Save even More on Bundles!
Power Bundle
PRO Version + Laptop Edition
Recommended: Modern desktop PC with more than 1GB of RAM and any laptop/netbook
$59 Save! Order now!
Performance bundle
Desktop + Laptop Editions
Recommended: Old desktop PC with less than 1GB of RAM and any laptop/netbook
$49 Save! Order Now!

Select your license type Price (USD) Price (EUR) Price (GBP)
$39 €29 £25
$29 €22 £19

Includes: exclude list, cache viewer, up to 4 devices. No RAM caching and power save mode.

$24 €18 £15
$19 €15 £13

All major credit cards, PayPal, money, check, phone orders are accepted

License Terms and Upgrade Policy

By purchasing a license you receive the right to install the current version of the software and use it on a single computer for an unlimited time. In addition your license includes:

  • One year of free upgrades to any new versions released;
  • One year of free online technical support (email, forum, online ticket system.)

If you wish to continue to receive support and upgrades beyond the free first year then all you have to do is purchase an upgrade at the 30% of the current product price (on the date of purchase.)

If you decide not to continue your free upgrades and support you do not need to purchase an upgrade. In this case you can still continue to use the version of eBoostr you have for as long as you want.